Posted by Matt Williams

For the life of me, I don't understand why people smoke. I smoked like a train. Until I realized and came to my senses what it was doing to me! It makes your body and breath stink. It gives you cancer, makes your teeth yellow. You spend on average $4.00 per pack per day. Why? Why don't you just hand Phillip Morris $4.00 a day to kill you for the rest of your life because that's what your doing anyway. Just think of the money you would be saving! $4.00 per day - 30 days = $160.00 per month - 365 days a year = $1440.00. What in gods name was I thinking? All that money wasted just to kill myself. I use to look at those cigarette commercials and laugh but I don't now because I understand them. They now make sense to me. If you smoke, Stop! Your only killing yourself AND PEOPLE AROUND YOU AS WELL!

  • When is a Good Time to Quit Smoking?

    When is a good time for you to quit smoking? Would that be sometime before doctors drill a hole in your throat so you can breathe? A week before it happens? A month? A year? Why not now? Right now you are somewhere along the line between living a healthy life and breathing through a hole in your throat (or some other nasty slow death due to tobacco smoking). If you are not going to let it go this far then... when are you going to quit smoking? How about now? Not a good time? OK... How about now?

  • Someone has 8 Seconds to Live...

    Every year, over 440,000 people die of smoking and tobacco related diseases. That's an alarming 1 person that dies from a preventable cause every 8 seconds.

  • It says Impotent not Important!

    Isn't it ironic how many of us started to smoke to feel important or to be cool? Guys! How cool is a limp penis? "Cigarettes may cause sexual impotence due tothedecrease blood flow to the penis. This can prevent you from having an erection."Forget dying from cigarette smoking.... what's the point of living if you can't do it?

  • Smoking While Pregnant... Very Sad!

    For any expecting mother to be smoking through their pregnancy these days is blatant stupidity! If you are an expectant mother or if you know someone who is and they are still smoking.... I IMPLORE YOU! Please stop smoking or reason with the woman you know who is still smoking and do whatever is in your power to protect the unborn child from the effects of tobacco smoke. You know what can happen to the unborn child. Don't play Russian roulette by smoking while pregnant. The risk is TOO high!

  • This entry was posted on Friday, December 8, 2006 at 11:09 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



    Smoking or what we say smoke which leads to many health-related problems and give rise to many social stigma. To begin with, smoking or smoke gives you a strong nicotine addiction, which is harmful to your body. Few health related issue which smoker faces are breathing, losing sense of taste, tiredness etc, and such kind of physical problem.

    October 22, 2008 at 6:42 AM

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