September 25, 2006 - My journey began  

Posted by Matt Williams

  • September 25, 2006 - My Journey Begins

    I would like to tell you my story. Mine begins on September 25, 2006 when I had to go to the seminar to hear about the surgery, what's involved in it and turn in some paper work I had to fill out. As I looked around the room, I saw others there that were bigger then me, so I didn't feel like I was alone in the dark somewhere. I felt like I had a support group around me. Others who wanted to change their life and get healthy. After the seminar was over, I setup my computer test and an appointment to see the psychiatrist.
  • October 4, 2006 - The test and appointment day

    I went to take the test and it was just a bunch of basic mind game questions. The psychiatrist used them as a guide to see if you were crazy and could handle the surgery or if you were just mentally insane and needed to seek some other type of help. Thankfully, she "thought" I was a sane person and allowed me to continue with the process. I also saw Dr. Terracina that day to discuss the details about the surgery. He likes to meet with his male patients before the surgery sometimes. So I get in his office and he tells me I need to loose about 20 to 25 Lbs BEFORE the surgery. I was quite confused at that but I went with it and we talked about what type of diet plan to go on for it which was the Atkins diet....
  • October 5, 2006 - Dieting begins
  • I started on the Atkins Diet that day and was very confident I would loose the weight because my mom went on this diet and was very successful at it. She lost about 80 Lbs and now she looks wonderful. I eat things that were in very low carbohydrates such as meat. I basically became a meat only eater. I stayed away from anything white, such as bread, potato's, rice and anything else that was white...

  • October 14, 2006 - Surgery date set
  • I was working that day and got a phone call from my wife saying that Cat called. Cat, which is short for Cathy, was the surgery date coordinator and insurance person. I already knew I was approved through my insurance because my wife was approved to get it done. Anyway, I called her back from work and she tells me that my surgery date is set for October 31, 2006. I was very excited about this and immediately went and told my supervisor and everyone else I came in contact with. I was very happy that I was getting it so quickly! I called my wife, told her the news ad went back to work a happy man.

    October 25, 2006 - pre-operation visit with the doctor

    I went to see Dr. Terracina that day to weigh in and see how much I lost on the Atkins Diet. And to my surprise and everyone else's, I had lost about 25 Lbs! To say the least, Dr. Terracina was in complete shock. I think he thought I wouldn't do it. But I fooled him that day! Anyway, the visit went well. We talked about what will happen on the 31st and what time to be at the hospital and what to bring and blah blah blah. I thought to myself, If I can loose 25 Lbs on the Atkins Diet, why don't I just continue with it. But then I thought, No, I wont quite smoking, which was a very big issue for me to do. If I get the surgery, I wont eat everything I see because I wont be able to. So it's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

  • October 30, 2006 - HELL DAY for me!

    This was by far the worst day anyone can go through. I could not eat anything or drink anything that was not clear. So I decided to get out of the house. I went fishing with a good friend of mine and he had the gull to get something to eat from McDonald's! I didn't get mad at him although he kept saying that he was not the one on the diet, which was true. Anyway, my day of course went by horrible because I was starving to death and was as thirsty as an old mule. So I stop by the store on our way home and pick up some Push up pops. To me, they tasted just like a steak! So I went home, packed my bag and went to bed.

  • October 31, 2006 - Surgery day arrives!
  • Well, the long awaited day had finally arrived. My wife and I woke up around 6 AM to get ready to go to the hospital. I was not allowed to put anything in my hair or skin such as gel, lotion or hair spray or wear any kind a jewelry. I thought it was a little odd but, whatever! I arrive at the hospital 2 hours ahead of schedule to prepare for the surgery. I was quite nervous at this point but I was also very anxious to get it done. But on the other hand, was having second thoughts about going through with it. But I knew if I didn't do something about my life style, I was going to die at an early age and I really didn't want to do that. I get back to the pre-operation room where the doctors come and meet with you and gets you all ready for the surgery. Dr. Terracina met with me around 11:30 AM and asked if I was ready to change my life. I said to him "Yes, what are you waiting for, roll me in!" So off I went into the surgery room. All I can remember is, it was cold as ice in there and all I had on was a very thin robe. Then I went out like a light because the anaesthesia kicked in.

    3 hours later....

    I woke up and was in a waiting room. Everything was pretty blurry. All I could hear was one of the nurses singing. I looked up at her and told her " American idol your not" and fell back to sleep. I woke up in my room that I would stay in over night, and my wife and mom were there to meet me. I was kinda out of it and I wasn't really sleepy. I felt really good actually. I stayed in the bed till around 6 PM and then called the nurse to help me get out of the bed and to start walking around. I got out of bed and walked around the hospital and all the nurses could not believe I was walking 3 hours after my surgery. Once again, I fooled them. I felt good enough that night to actually go home but I couldn't because I still have the " G-Tube" in me which is the drain tube and the decafitor in still. I also had to go the next day to get X-Rays and drink the nasty drink.

  • November 1, 2006 - The day after surgery
  • I was really dreading this day. My wife told me that they make you drink this horrible drink to see if you have any leaks in your new pouch in an X-Ray. Well, I drank the drink and almost puked on the guy. It was nasty and disgusting. After that I was fine. I had no leaks and everything appeared to be OK. I got up and walked some more around the hospital till about 2 in the morning.

  • November 2, 2006 - I go home!
  • I was very excited to go home. I felt great and I packed everything and waiting for the discharge papers. I finally got discharged from the hospital around 2 O'clock. I was happy to get out of there. Me and hospitals don't get along to well. Anyway, I get home and I'm doing wonderful. I told my wife that it was a piece of cake and that I didn't know what she was complaining about all the time. The I get really sick about 2 days later and run a fever of about 102.3. I felt like I was going to die. I couldn't breath, eat or drink anything. Then I finally realized after going to the emergency room and talking to Dr. Terracina, I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my left lounge which almost made it collapse. I also was very vulnerable to get Pneumonia which would not have been a good thing. So I started to blow into this special thing and it cleared it right up in about 24 hours. Everything went smooth after that. I started drink my protein stuff and doing what I needed to do to start loosing weight....

  • December 8, 2006 - The accomplishments arise

    To say the least, I have shocked myself, family and friends with what I have accomplished in 1 months time. I have quit smoking, and I have lost 74 Lbs!When I first started, I weighed a whopping 370 Lbs. Now I weight 294 Lbs. I feel like a new person already. I'm back at work and I could not be happier with my life then what I am right now. It is simply amazing at the accomplishments my wife and I have done. We have lost together over 100 Lbs! That is unbelievable. When I look into the mirror, I can not believe what I have accomplished. I will continue on my quest to be healthy and I vowed to myself never to smoke again as long as I live! I will have new pictures of my wife and I soon!

  • This entry was posted on Friday, December 8, 2006 at 8:22 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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